Sunday, September 13, 2015

Pit Caribou: La Bonne aventure Rousse

It's amazing how many microbreweries are popping up all across North America, in all parts of the continent and so it's only natural that there would be breweries in Gaspé.  Now, I have never been to Gaspé, however when my father brought back a few of their beers from a recent trip up that way I had to give them a try and take some notes.  Gaspé is a long way away from big cities so it's natural that their beer style would be different, however the good folks at Pit Caribou may be wise to take some lessons from other brewers as their beer could use some work. 

Bonne Aventure Rousse is a reddish brown ale that on the outside looks like a British style ale.  On the nose it is very earthy and woody, smells a bit like the forest but it doesn't end up tasting like it.  When you first take a sip you are hit with a powerful wave of hops, like a windy day on the coast, except with hops instead of sea water.  These hops really linger on the palate and overshadow a pretty good middle and finish, decently flavourful despite being a bit too thin for my tastes.  It's a shame that the hops are so front loaded as this beer does have some potential.  I would suggest trying it with something sweet, like a piece of chocolate, sweetness really cuts the bitterness of the hops and brings out the nice malty middle.  This beer does have potential but it has some serious balance issues, they really need to have more malt and less hops.  They claim it is a 25 IBU beer, but those IBU's are all front loaded, so it will taste like a much hoppier beer.

It's only available in the Gaspé region, either at their brewery in anse-à-beaufils, Quebec, their brewpub in Percé and at convenience stores througout the area.

Alc. 5% IBU 25
Rating: 2.5 Steins

What you need to know.


Brewery Address
27 rue de l'Anse,
Anse-à-Beaufils, QC

182, route 132 Ouest,
Percé, Quebec



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